グラフィカルな管理ツールを用意し、Windows Serverも利用できるKVM型VPS「GMOクラウドVPS」の性能をチェック 5ページ



リストA UnixBenchの実行結果

$ ./Run
make all
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/hylom/bench/UnixBench/unixbench-5.1.2'
Checking distribution of files
./pgms  exists
./src  exists
./testdir  exists
./tmp  exists
./results  exists
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/hylom/bench/UnixBench/unixbench-5.1.2'
sh: 3dinfo: command not found
sh: runlevel: command not found

   #    #  #    #  #  #    #          #####   ######  #    #   ####   #    #
   #    #  ##   #  #   #  #           #    #  #       ##   #  #    #  #    #
   #    #  # #  #  #    ##            #####   #####   # #  #  #       ######
   #    #  #  # #  #    ##            #    #  #       #  # #  #       #    #
   #    #  #   ##  #   #  #           #    #  #       #   ##  #    #  #    #
    ####   #    #  #  #    #          #####   ######  #    #   ####   #    #

   Version 5.1.2                      Based on the Byte Magazine Unix Benchmark

   Multi-CPU version                  Version 5 revisions by Ian Smith,
                                      Sunnyvale, CA, USA
   December 22, 2007                  johantheghost at yahoo period com

1 x Dhrystone 2 using register variables  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 x Double-Precision Whetstone  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 x Execl Throughput  1 2 3

1 x File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks  1 2 3

1 x File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks  1 2 3

1 x File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks  1 2 3

1 x Pipe Throughput  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 x Pipe-based Context Switching  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 x Process Creation  1 2 3

1 x System Call Overhead  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 x Shell Scripts (1 concurrent)  1 2 3

1 x Shell Scripts (8 concurrent)  1 2 3

4 x Dhrystone 2 using register variables  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4 x Double-Precision Whetstone  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4 x Execl Throughput  1 2 3

4 x File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks  1 2 3

4 x File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks  1 2 3

4 x File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks  1 2 3

4 x Pipe Throughput  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4 x Pipe-based Context Switching  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4 x Process Creation  1 2 3

4 x System Call Overhead  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4 x Shell Scripts (1 concurrent)  1 2 3

4 x Shell Scripts (8 concurrent)  1 2 3

   BYTE UNIX Benchmarks (Version 5.1.2)

   System: sub0000497591.hmk-temp.com: GNU/Linux
   OS: GNU/Linux -- 2.6.18-194.17.4.el5 -- #1 SMP Mon Oct 25 15:50:53 EDT 2010
   Machine: x86_64 (x86_64)
   Language: en_US.utf8 (charmap="UTF-8", collate="UTF-8")
   CPU 0: QEMU Virtual CPU version 0.9.1 (4266.9 bogomips)
          x86-64, MMX, Physical Address Ext, SYSENTER/SYSEXIT, SYSCALL/SYSRET
   CPU 1: QEMU Virtual CPU version 0.9.1 (4265.8 bogomips)
          x86-64, MMX, Physical Address Ext, SYSENTER/SYSEXIT, SYSCALL/SYSRET
   CPU 2: QEMU Virtual CPU version 0.9.1 (4270.6 bogomips)
          x86-64, MMX, Physical Address Ext, SYSENTER/SYSEXIT, SYSCALL/SYSRET
   CPU 3: QEMU Virtual CPU version 0.9.1 (4266.6 bogomips)
          x86-64, MMX, Physical Address Ext, SYSENTER/SYSEXIT, SYSCALL/SYSRET
   06:13:17 up 26 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.25, 0.25, 0.10; runlevel

Benchmark Run: Mon May 07 2012 06:13:17 - 06:41:44
4 CPUs in system; running 1 parallel copy of tests

Dhrystone 2 using register variables       13173526.9 lps   (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Double-Precision Whetstone                     2641.2 MWIPS (9.9 s, 7 samples)
Execl Throughput                               1529.7 lps   (29.6 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks        525348.0 KBps  (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks          145093.4 KBps  (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks       1149099.5 KBps  (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Pipe Throughput                              957382.7 lps   (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Pipe-based Context Switching                  54351.8 lps   (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Process Creation                               7948.5 lps   (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent)                   3928.3 lpm   (60.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent)                   1736.6 lpm   (60.0 s, 2 samples)
System Call Overhead                         840946.3 lps   (10.0 s, 7 samples)

System Benchmarks Index Values               BASELINE       RESULT    INDEX
Dhrystone 2 using register variables         116700.0   13173526.9   1128.8
Double-Precision Whetstone                       55.0       2641.2    480.2
Execl Throughput                                 43.0       1529.7    355.7
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks          3960.0     525348.0   1326.6
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks            1655.0     145093.4    876.7
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks          5800.0    1149099.5   1981.2
Pipe Throughput                               12440.0     957382.7    769.6
Pipe-based Context Switching                   4000.0      54351.8    135.9
Process Creation                                126.0       7948.5    630.8
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent)                     42.4       3928.3    926.5
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent)                      6.0       1736.6   2894.4
System Call Overhead                          15000.0     840946.3    560.6
System Benchmarks Index Score                                         770.9

Benchmark Run: Mon May 07 2012 06:41:44 - 07:10:32
4 CPUs in system; running 4 parallel copies of tests

Dhrystone 2 using register variables       51389399.7 lps   (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Double-Precision Whetstone                    10336.0 MWIPS (9.7 s, 7 samples)
Execl Throughput                              10928.4 lps   (29.8 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks        113075.1 KBps  (30.1 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks           33666.5 KBps  (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks        320512.7 KBps  (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Pipe Throughput                             3708835.1 lps   (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Pipe-based Context Switching                1031334.2 lps   (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Process Creation                              32558.7 lps   (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent)                  15704.0 lpm   (60.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent)                   2456.0 lpm   (60.1 s, 2 samples)
System Call Overhead                        2655054.2 lps   (10.0 s, 7 samples)

System Benchmarks Index Values               BASELINE       RESULT    INDEX
Dhrystone 2 using register variables         116700.0   51389399.7   4403.5
Double-Precision Whetstone                       55.0      10336.0   1879.3
Execl Throughput                                 43.0      10928.4   2541.5
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks          3960.0     113075.1    285.5
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks            1655.0      33666.5    203.4
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks          5800.0     320512.7    552.6
Pipe Throughput                               12440.0    3708835.1   2981.4
Pipe-based Context Switching                   4000.0    1031334.2   2578.3
Process Creation                                126.0      32558.7   2584.0
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent)                     42.4      15704.0   3703.8
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent)                      6.0       2456.0   4093.4
System Call Overhead                          15000.0    2655054.2   1770.0
System Benchmarks Index Score                                        1633.1

リストB FS-Markの実行結果

$ ./fs_mark -d ./tmp -s 1048576 -n 1000

#  ./fs_mark  -d  ./tmp  -s  1048576  -n  1000
#       Version 3.3, 1 thread(s) starting at Wed May  9 06:09:37 2012
#       Sync method: INBAND FSYNC: fsync() per file in write loop.
#       Directories:  no subdirectories used
#       File names: 40 bytes long, (16 initial bytes of time stamp with 24 random bytes at end of name)
#       Files info: size 1048576 bytes, written with an IO size of 16384 bytes per write
#       App overhead is time in microseconds spent in the test not doing file writing related system calls.

FSUse%        Count         Size    Files/sec     App Overhead
    12         1000      1048576         28.5            52585

$ ./fs_mark -d ./tmp -s 1048576 -n 1000

#  ./fs_mark  -d  ./tmp  -s  1048576  -n  1000
#       Version 3.3, 1 thread(s) starting at Wed May  9 06:11:00 2012
#       Sync method: INBAND FSYNC: fsync() per file in write loop.
#       Directories:  no subdirectories used
#       File names: 40 bytes long, (16 initial bytes of time stamp with 24 random bytes at end of name)
#       Files info: size 1048576 bytes, written with an IO size of 16384 bytes per write
#       App overhead is time in microseconds spent in the test not doing file writing related system calls.

FSUse%        Count         Size    Files/sec     App Overhead
    12         1000      1048576         25.8            49634

$ ./fs_mark -d ./tmp -s 1048576 -n 1000

#  ./fs_mark  -d  ./tmp  -s  1048576  -n  1000
#       Version 3.3, 1 thread(s) starting at Wed May  9 06:11:46 2012
#       Sync method: INBAND FSYNC: fsync() per file in write loop.
#       Directories:  no subdirectories used
#       File names: 40 bytes long, (16 initial bytes of time stamp with 24 random bytes at end of name)
#       Files info: size 1048576 bytes, written with an IO size of 16384 bytes per write
#       App overhead is time in microseconds spent in the test not doing file writing related system calls.

FSUse%        Count         Size    Files/sec     App Overhead
    12         1000      1048576         28.7            51838

リストC threaded I/O testerの実行結果

[hylom@sub0000497591 tiobench-0.3.3]$ ./tiotest -f 32 -t 32
Tiotest results for 32 concurrent io threads:
| Item                  | Time     | Rate         | Usr CPU  | Sys CPU |
| Write        1024 MBs |   23.8 s |  43.114 MB/s |  23.5 %  | 567.8 % |
| Random Write  125 MBs |   34.8 s |   3.595 MB/s |   1.4 %  |  24.9 % |
| Read         1024 MBs |    0.2 s | 5338.115 MB/s | 482.7 %  | 2097.9 % |
| Random Read   125 MBs |    0.0 s | 4255.754 MB/s | 326.8 %  | 1160.8 % |
Tiotest latency results:
| Item         | Average latency | Maximum latency | % >2 sec | % >10 sec |
| Write        |        0.064 ms |      508.863 ms |  0.00000 |   0.00000 |
| Random Write |        0.007 ms |       45.521 ms |  0.00000 |   0.00000 |
| Read         |        0.004 ms |      168.088 ms |  0.00000 |   0.00000 |
| Random Read  |        0.003 ms |        0.051 ms |  0.00000 |   0.00000 |
| Total        |        0.030 ms |      508.863 ms |  0.00000 |   0.00000 |

$ ./tiotest -f 32 -t 32
Tiotest results for 32 concurrent io threads:
| Item                  | Time     | Rate         | Usr CPU  | Sys CPU |
| Write        1024 MBs |   24.4 s |  41.976 MB/s |  20.7 %  | 558.2 % |
| Random Write  125 MBs |   35.8 s |   3.494 MB/s |   1.3 %  |  23.1 % |
| Read         1024 MBs |    0.2 s | 5535.135 MB/s | 409.1 %  | 1624.6 % |
| Random Read   125 MBs |    0.0 s | 4064.248 MB/s | 312.1 %  | 1079.3 % |
Tiotest latency results:
| Item         | Average latency | Maximum latency | % >2 sec | % >10 sec |
| Write        |        0.117 ms |      614.123 ms |  0.00000 |   0.00000 |
| Random Write |        0.005 ms |        0.277 ms |  0.00000 |   0.00000 |
| Read         |        0.003 ms |      133.909 ms |  0.00000 |   0.00000 |
| Random Read  |        0.003 ms |        1.347 ms |  0.00000 |   0.00000 |
| Total        |        0.054 ms |      614.123 ms |  0.00000 |   0.00000 |

$ ./tiotest -f 32 -t 32
Tiotest results for 32 concurrent io threads:
| Item                  | Time     | Rate         | Usr CPU  | Sys CPU |
| Write        1024 MBs |   26.7 s |  38.402 MB/s |  18.5 %  | 501.9 % |
| Random Write  125 MBs |   38.1 s |   3.282 MB/s |   1.1 %  |  21.6 % |
| Read         1024 MBs |    0.2 s | 5635.849 MB/s | 363.7 %  | 1548.0 % |
| Random Read   125 MBs |    0.0 s | 4604.560 MB/s | 327.8 %  | 1178.6 % |
Tiotest latency results:
| Item         | Average latency | Maximum latency | % >2 sec | % >10 sec |
| Write        |        0.068 ms |      468.740 ms |  0.00000 |   0.00000 |
| Random Write |        0.005 ms |        0.225 ms |  0.00000 |   0.00000 |
| Read         |        0.002 ms |        0.393 ms |  0.00000 |   0.00000 |
| Random Read  |        0.002 ms |        0.131 ms |  0.00000 |   0.00000 |
| Total        |        0.032 ms |      468.740 ms |  0.00000 |   0.00000 |